30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (2024)

New garden hobbyists can get overwhelmed with the many flower types out there. Sounds like you? Luckily, we’ve gathered a list of the many variations for you. This page has 30 flowers that start with H, exciting facts, and care tips. Get to know all flowers that start with H. Let’s begin!

1.Hyacinth (Asparagus Family)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (1)

Hebe, or Hebe speciosa, is a mesmerizing flower and gardening bush native to New Zealand. It is a common hedging plant and eye-catching addition to a perennial garden.

Each flower of the Showy Speedwell has a short throat that spreads beautifully into lobes. Hebe or Showy Speedwelll prefer sandy and loamy soils. They don’t grow well in the shade, so remember to put them in the sun.

2.Honeysuckle (Lonicera)

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Honeysuckles or Lonicera “Mandarin” comprises huge whorls of bright and vibrant flowers. They are bright Mandarin orange on the outside, hence the name. On the inside, they are yellow to orange.

Honeysuckles’ gold and silver species are native to East Asia. Honeysuckles are generally creamy yellow, blooming best during late spring. Sometimes, they also grow into fall. They are fragrant flowers with red berries.

3.Hebe “Showy Speedwell”

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (3)

Hebe, or Hebe speciosa, is a mesmerizing flower and gardening bush native to New Zealand. It is a common hedging plant and eye-catching addition to a perennial garden.

Each flower of the Showy Speedwell has a short throat that spreads beautifully into lobes. Hebe or Showy Speedwelll prefer sandy and loamy soils. They don’t grow well in shady areas, so put them in the sun.

4.Heather Plant (Erica)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (4)

Heather Plant is a short, evergreen perennial shrub with urn-shaped pink flowers. They are perfect for indoor or outdoor containers. They also make an excellent addition to hanging baskets.

Heather plants can be gifted, too, as they are easy to care for and grow. They require bright light and adequate space of about 12 to 18 inches. Fun fact: Heathers can change their colors!

5.Hepatica Nobilis

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (5)

Hepatica nobilis, referred to as “Anemone hepatica” is a small herb common in Minnesota, Main, Northern Florida, and Alabama. It is one of the most widely distributed species with sharp lobes.

It is a perennial with bluish to purplish petals. Hepatica nobilisblooms best in spring. One of the outstanding characteristics of this flower is its ability to treat liver ailments like hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. They are also found to have respiratory benefits.

6.Hepatica Transsilvanica

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (6)

Hepatica transsilvanicais another plant from the genus Hepatica. It is a perennial plant native to Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. The plant grows about 8 feet in height, with evergreen leaves. Hepatica transsilvanica has rich, showy, blue flowers. They are found under deciduous trees, on rock gardens, or raised beds.

7.Helenium (Sneezeweed)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (7)

Helenium, also called swamp sunflowers, is a tall, stunning perennial with small, daisy-like flowers. Their flowers bloom on branched stems, spreading about five to two feet.

They are native to the United States and Southern Canada, common in damp woodlands. Helenium’s flowers range from yellow and orange to red, gold, and copper petals.

8.Heliotrope (Cherry Pie Plant)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (8)

Another easy-to-grow plant is the Heliotrope or Cherry Pie Plant. This perennial plant grows around 60 to 100 cm in height, spreading two meters wide. Their petals are shrubby, surrounded by dark green leaves.

Cherry Pie Plant has small purple flowers which add to a garden’s beauty. Plus, they smell like vanilla. Heliotropes grow eight months year-round, and they begin blooming in January.

9.Hellebore (Winter Rose)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (9)

Hellebore, also known as Helleborus, is one of the flowers that start with H that has cup-shaped or bowl-shaped blooms. They are usually single, with five petals each. Hellebores grow about five to ten feet tall!

They are perfect for brightening shady areas in your garden, blooming best during late winter. Because of this, Hellebores are called “Winter Rose,” “Christmas Rose,” and “Lenten Rose.”

10.Hairy Stemmed Rhipsalis

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (10)

Hairy Stemmed Rhipsalis is a type of flowering cactus growing as purple to green hanging stems. Starting as upright stems, they reach up to 16 inches long. They grow best in full sun.

They are also perfect for balconies and open areas. Hairy Stemmed Rhipsalis has fragrant white flowers with pink centers. They are usually bell-shaped and spread less than an inch in width.

11.Hooker’s Orchid Cactus

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (11)

Hooker’s Orchid Cactus, or theEpiphyllum hookeri, is a flowering cactus with flat, strappy foliage. This type of climbing cactus grows about 9 meters in height during summers. It has scented flowers that open only at nighttime and closes in the mornings. It may look simple, but Hooker’s Orchid Cactus is fun and easy to grow.

12.Hardy Hibiscus “Kopper King”

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (12)

The Kooper King is a perennial shrub that reaches 3 to 4 feet in height. It is one of the most popular hibiscus varieties to date. Hardy Hibiscus has lots of variations and hybrids from crossbreeding them!

Specifically, Hardy Hibiscus Kopper King can spread over a meter wide. Kooper King’s leaves are striking, coppery red, with white to pink flowers that stand out.

13.Hardy Hibiscus “Lord Baltimore”

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (13)

Hardy Hibiscus Lord Baltimore is another hibiscus hybrid with vibrant and showy red flowers. They bloom best in mid-summer and die during winters. Hardy Hibiscus Lord Baltimore has an upright spreading growth habit, reaching about 4 to 5 feet tall. It puts all its energy into blooming, requiring full sun to blossom well.

14.Hardy Hibiscus “Luna Pink Swirl”

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (14)

Hardy Hibiscus Luna Pink Swirl is a branched shrub that stands out – thanks to its big white to pink flowers. It grows about 2 to 3 feet, with showy flowers. It is a hardy perennial that grows best in summer.

Hardy Hibiscus Luna Pink Swirl loves the sun and medium to wet soils, requiring watering twice weekly. This type of flower is pest and disease free, with a moderate care level.

15.Hibiscus Moscheutos “Disco Belle White”

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (15)

Hibiscus moscheutos, or “Disco Belle White,” is another variation of the hibiscus plant. It is a perennial shrub with white flowers that grows about 9 inches across. It requires approximately six hours of full sun daily. Mature Hibiscus moscheutos typically grow up to 30 inches tall. They are also called “Swamp Rose Mallow.”

16.Hardy Impatiens

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (16)

Hardy Impatiens, also known as Impatiens omeiana, is an evergreen perennial with toothed leaves about 3 inches long. They have long, tubular flowers that come in purple petals on red stems. Hardy Impatiens are an excellent choice for shady areas. They bloom well all summer, producing velvety leaves and vibrant flowers.

17.Hardy Primrose

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (17)

Hardy Primrose is a flower that blooms for three seasons throughout the year. In fact, its only rest time is in the summer. Hardy Primrose is an easy-to-grow plant that reaches about 12 inches in height. It requires full shade to grow best.

Most of the Hardy Primrose perennials are found in garden centers and nurseries, as they are astonishing and vibrant. Their flowers come in red, pink, yellow, orange, white, purple, and blue.

18.Horned Violet

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (18)

Horned Violet or Viola cornuta is a popular evergreen perennial plant from the family Violaceae with pansy violet flowers. They are round, tufted, and hebaceous plants growing about 0.2 meters tall and wide.

They have a long and thin nectar spur that points up. Horned Violet flowers can also be called “Tufted Violet” or “Horned Pansy” because of their appearance.

19.Hypericum (St. John’s Wort)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (19)

Hypericum or St. John’s Wort is an upright perennial flowering plant that grows star-shaped yellow blooms. They grow about one to three feet wide and are native to the United Kingdom. St. John’s Wort is also called Hypericum perforatum botanically.

There are over 500 species in the genus Hypericum, but St. John’s Wort definitely stands out. It is a leafy herb with bright yellow petals and a long and showy stamen at its center.

20.Honesty (Lunaria)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (20)

Honesty is among the fast-growing flowers that start with H. Unlike most of the flowers on this list, Honesty is biennial. It has 4-petaled purple flowers you can find in many gardens.

Another type of Honesty is actually perennial. It is called Lunaria rediviva. Honesty grows best in well-drained soil, and they require partial shade. If well taken care of, this attractive plant can reach about 90 cm tall.

21.Heavenly Bamboo

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (21)

Heavenly Bamboo is known for its red berries and show-stopping foliage color. It is an evergreen or semi-evergreen ornamental shrub that typically enjoys slightly humid environments. It requires rich and well-draining soil with a pH of less than 6.4. This shrub is relatively low maintenance, so it’s easy to grow.

22.Hemp Agrimony

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (22)

Hemp Agrimony or Holy Rope is another perennial plant mostly in damp grasslands and wet woodlands. They have pink clustered flowers often used to make medicine. There is some evidence that says it is for liver disorders, colds, fever, and gallbladder problems. Hemp Agrimony also has red stems and leaves split into narrow leaflets.

23.High Mallow

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (23)

High Mallow, botanically known as Malva sylvesteris, is a tall spreading perennial herb native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. It is often cultivated and grown as a garden flower, reaching up to 3 feet in height. It has a whitish root and a large stem with green leaves. High Mallow’s petals are large and reddish to purple.

24.Highbush Blueberry

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (24)

Highbush Blueberry is a home garden fruit plant growing blueberries you often see in groceries. Highbush Blueberry’s flowers are approximately 8 mm long, with a tubular corolla and a short calyx each.

The flowers become green berry fruits that eventually ripen to become blue to black berries. They bloom from mid to late July until mid-August. During fall, their foliage turns bright colors.

25.Hoary Vervain

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (25)

Hoary Vervain is a short-lived perennial plant that grows about 1 to 3 feet. This plant grows well in full sun to partial shade and thrives in dry to moist soil. Its other names are “Verbena stricta” (scientifically), “Wooly verbena,” or “Tall vervain.”

It’s a typical tall weed in Northeastern Nebraska, with small blue to purple flowers and flowering spikes.

26.Holiday Holly Bushes

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (26)

Holiday Holly Bushes are a known symbol for Christmas and winter. It has vibrant, red berries that can withstand the harshest weathers and conditions. It is popular during the winter holidays in many countries, hence its name.

Holiday Holly’s flowers may produce greenish, pink, red, white, or yellow flowers. They look radiant and fantastic as ornaments and accents and brighten a flower arrangement well.

27.Hummingbird Mint

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (27)

Hummingbird Mint is a long-blooming perennial that blooms best in summer and fall. Mature Hummingbird Mints reach up to 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

They are loved by hummingbirds, as you may conclude from their name. Some also refer to this flower as Agastache or Hyssop. It is a native of North America and grows best in well-draining moist soils.

28.Hollow Root

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (28)

Hollow Root is a perennial herb that grows about 12 inches tall, depending on where they are. They have thickened curved leaves and fragrant white, purple, or pink blooms. Hollow Roots have upper curved petals with a lower undivided bract. They produce flowers that are only 2 to 3 inches long from March to April.


30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (29)

Hydrangea is a stunning garden shrub producing globes of flowers in summer and spring. They thrive in sun or shade, requiring little maintenance. Their flowers come in different lovely colors, like blue, purple, red, lavender, white, or green. Hydrangea is an excellent addition to ornamental gardens and they are popular worldwide.

30.Hosta (August Moon)

30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (30)

Hosta or Plantain Lily is a perennial plant with showy flowers and thick, colorful leaves. It grows well in chalk, clay, or loam soil about a foot in height. This flower is a classic. In fact, it is one of the oldest Hosta cultivated. It has a growth habit of clump-forming, producing bell-shaped lavender to white petals in summer.

Final Thoughts

If you’re recently getting into flowers, the variations, types, and hybrids can get a bit confusing. We can’t blame you—there are over 360,000 species of flowering plants out there! But thanks to our list of the flowers that start with H, the next time you get overwhelmed, you have a list to refer to.

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30 Beautiful Flowers That Start With H (With Pictures) - Flower Keen (2024)


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