Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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12 HHYNIB ebruary 16 All but Cr Style Ifaanir received from Crown Lends Office re S' wntof Clerk Deeds of Council to be i Bank for safe keeping Or McMartia bio rcetgaatioa oa account of leaving district soeepted Nr Howard to be Retura Ing Officer for eleetion of Councillor for Macaw Creek ward lu pises of Nr McMartin resigned tbe nomloations to bo received at the Council ber on Monday ebruary 25 Mr Curnowad Clerk to inspect road in Woilshed Ward Mr Howard asked for three chains of forming and metalling fa be made ou the Woobhed lat road to be inspected Nr McMartin applied to have throe chains formed and metalled at Macaw Creek to bo done Tender Contract No 21 Jas McBride £1 10s per chain for forming aud metalling and £1 forming only Receipts £13 7 4d payments £22 19 SADDLEWORTH ebruary 23 Present Ail but Cr Charles Received letter from Secretary Board of Health rv placing Saddleworth under Sanitary law inhabitants to bo consulted Tenders accepted Drayton 291 £8 5s per chain ditto393 £15 15s Works ordore Ruts near Undalya rate near ruts near Dur rapair near Muffins to fill ruts near Robinson's scrub for £2 10 Payments £18 6s STANLEY ebruary Special Meeting Present Crs Priest an) Nykiel Tralaggan and aulkner Tendon accepted Ko 158 Brady £6 per chain No 159 for spoondrains oalyG McLeisb £31 No 160 Loo Kempka 19c per chain No 161 Thoma Woodman £5 10s per chain (Repairs to Mount Rufus cutting ordered STEPNEY ebruary All Chairman re ported having seen President of Board of Edu cation as to tbo school at Payneham the matter was still under consideration Overseer reported that rs Powell McKostie and Joan Mankleton contractors were proceeding satisfactorily in Mardon and Hackney Cr Pitt requested Overseer to inspect cutting iu Harden Hill and report as to having a retaining wall Clerk to write to all parties having hedges overhanging the footpaths allowing month to cut them Receipts £36 12s 9d payments £94 19s fid TUNGKILLO ebruary Chairman and Crs Murray and Park Cr Smith tendered his resig nation as he was leaving district vacancy to filed Applications made for repairs to Wed moro tBald Hills and roads and road near Dayman to be employed on Wedmore and Bald Hills roads Road near Draegemuller to be inspected Overseer reported on repairs done since last meeting Receipts £113 Ifa 5Jd payments £52 16s UPPER WAKEIELD ebruary All Commissioner of Crown Lands wrote re Overseer of salary Tenders No 1 Speck man £11 15a No 4 Jabea Chant No 5 Crawford No 6 Thao Claysou Mr Bony applied for leave to take sand from Creek granted Mr Howie applied for repairs to road near Blatchford also bridge near Duncan's left to Overseer Mr Long applied for about three chains of tailing at Section 508 near Long Gully granted Mr Heyne applied for a small piece of metalling between Trim and Spicer's referred to Overseer Mr English applied for about three chains of side drain to be cut left to Overseer Overseer reported repairs required in Henry street Auburn left to Overseer Payments £31 18s WATERLOO ebruary Crs O'Grady (Acting Chairman) McNamara and lanaon Work completed Waterloo contract 23 Cluan Creek Oonract 24 McGrath Steelton Contract 25 Cluan Waterloo and Steelton covering ford at Carhruhe with grave) Schwarts Midland Road Board wrote respecting approaches to Main road and as to work urgently required Goo To stated that he has no roads iu the District closed Parr wrote requesting office at Councillor and Mr Muller resigning office as Audita accepted Cr seat de clared vacant owing to non attendance Clerk to arrange for election of two Councillors and one Auditor rs O'Grady and lanaon ap pointed Returning Officers Memorial from ratepayers applying to have road opened le tween 80 and 1075 Clerk to give necessary notice to Mr William Rehder Cr lanson to obtain information as to owner of vacant allot ment at Waterloo Receipts £12 payments £36 WEST TORRENS ebruary Present Special meeting in reference to building of Now Bridge at Mwr arm Reedbeds Plan was lad before the Council and approved of YANKALILLA ebruary 16 Present Crs Robertson (libitirmau) Letheby and Tucker Overseer reported Marshall's Hill contract completed satisfactorily cutting at Stockwcl 1 ord in pro grams north abutment to bridge at Torrens vale finished Aldinga District Council wrote to closing bridge at Noarlunga Clerk to reply Clerk to inform Inspector of Works of reposed alterations to abutment of bridge now ring built at Torrens Vale weather in the says the Port At'ffi'tta Ifirpatth of ebruary 23 lias been very unpleasant and very tantalising during tbe wst week Nearly every day has been cloudy and the atmosphere has been moist and sultry giving reason to hope that welcome rains were at hand but hitherto no rate except a few drops now and then ha fallen On Thursday night a good deal of lightning was seen and thunder occasionally heard but the thunderstorm did not come near Port Augusta nor did it bring ns any rain The country is now very dry and many people in tbe North ale Inginniug to feel the inconvenience of having to go some considerable distance for a supply of water for themselves and their cattie The supply of water at Woolnndunga is said to be scarcely sufficient for the requirements of IortAuguta and Stirling but this is chiefly through the want of proper btorage and from tlie fact that only a part of the water from the springs can be utilised under the present ar rangements With the railway about to be opened and the largely increasing imputation it has become absolutely necessary tint prompt action should be taken in this The Mallala correspondent of the I' rZs Ptnivtula Adeerttser writes as follows under date of ebruary There was quite a com motion in Mallala yesterday through two gentlemen who I am pleasel to say are not residents in our quiet township The distur bance was the more remarkable on account of tbe dignity of the personages engaged and their positions in life Mr Cowan Mland Mr llillef Salisbury met at our local pub' but did not remain amicable friends long Mr Hill accused Nr Cowan of voting in the House in favor of the Bdaklava and Hawley Bridge Railway and neglecting the interests of his district after he had promised to do everything nud anything for it The accusation brought on an altercation and high words Words grew louder aud stronger until tbe diapvtento came to actual blows ur time they dealt each other blows hard and strong in true pugilistic style until parted by tbe good offices of the pplice trooper But that sms oot until tbe blood flowed freely ou both aides and marks of the fracas were left It eras run red teflay that it is thought Mr Cowan will offer hia slf for rosiest isu for this district It is to be hoped that he wiU not loos his cad eoaaeaco to Much Ms Statute THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE AND WEEKLY MAIL MARCH 2 1878 ARRIVAL THE ENGLISH MAIL TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY NEWS (Continued) Albany ebruary 21 News from the Cape has been received to tbe 2Gtb December A number of the Galenkos have surrendered and Krcili was only deterred from doing the same by fear of punishment Sir Bartie rvro has pro mised to support the disarmament of the natives The GOtli Regiment has sailed for Cape Town with a battery of artillery which will bring tbe Imperial forces in South Africa up to 5000 men in addition to the colonial levies The 213rd Regiment is ordered to be in readiness to leave England for tbe Cape if required Mr Anthony Trollope has reached Eng land on his return from Cape Town The internal dissensions in tho India Ofliee in connection with the resignation of Mr Clements Markham and an attempt to shelve Dr orbes Watson for his advocacy of tbe establishment of the Colonial Museum away from South Ken sington are attracting attention During the night of the 8th inst the doctor's drawers and desk were broken open and a number of private and oHicial papers stolen The detectives are investigating the affair The Mansion House Indian amine und amounts to £530000 Mr Wm Cobbett died suddenly in Westminster Hall on his way to Court Mr Edward Wilson died rather sud denly but not unexpectedly at his resi dence Ilayes place near Berkeley Kent on the morning of the 10th January The Timet of tue 12th inserted a brief obi tuary notice The funvralcercmony which was attended by a large number of colonials and others took place yesterday at tho Norwood Cemetery Tbe race for the Sculling Championship on tbe Tyne came off on the 14th January between Higgins and Boyd Tho latter took the lead but a foul occurred near Rcdheath Bridge and Higgins was ob liged to liuish the race in another boat He accused Boyd of wilfully smashing his boat On Landing at Newcastle the re feree gave his decision in favor of Higgins adjudging him to be the winner On the following day a race on the Tyno between Robt Bapiall and Win Elliott for £100 resulted in the latter winning by a fair length Time thirty five minutes The wind and tide was against the course which was three and a half miles Tbe strike still continues About 270 Germans and 50 Englishmen are em ployed at the new Iaw Courts Many other German masons are at work elsewhere in London Tbe London Society of Amalgamated Carpenters and Joiners have given their employers six months' notice of their in tention to demand an increase of one penny per hour Tbe masters have a rreed to obtain supply or foreign workmen Great depression exists in the iron trade The Coursett Company are blowing out their furnaces A large fire broke out at on tho morning of tho 12th January at Messrs Crocker Manchester warehouse Watling strcct The premises were being rebuilt and the lire was caused by the overturning of a naphtha lamp amidst some shavings Altogether 18 warehouses lying between Watlhig Bread and riday streets and Cheapside were more or less injured The damage is estimated at £200000 The hydrants were found very eHicacious in quenching the fire Messrs cotton mills at Man chester were burnt cm the 10th January The loss is estimated at £20000 A block of live warehouses containing flax was burnt at Wapping on the 31st December On the 4th of January a Lugo cotton mill at Stockport was destroyed by fire through the fall of a lighted taper amidst a quantity of fluff An explosion of dynamite destroyed a factory at Girona ou the ranco Spanish frontier There have been several railway acci dents during the month but none attended with veiy serious consequences Upwards of seventy persons were killed at the tire at Greenfields confectionery works rear York ou the 20th December Tucy were mostly Ixiys and girls The Board of Trade enquiry into the wreck of the European resulted in Captain certificate being suspended for six months The Commissiouer expressed his admiration of tbe way the boat were got out and all on board saved Through a collision lietweon tho steamer Lima plying between Bristol aud Cork and the Italian barque Pensoro on the night of the 8lh January tbe latter foun dered with 10 out of hercrcw of 1 1 The riesland steamer from Java Holland with a valuable cargo worth £200000 has been lost off Cape ini derro with all on board 1 1 1 in number There has been another large jewel rob bery in Surrey at the residence of the Earl of Cottenham Cambridge Court Godstone was broken into and a quantity of valuable jewellery carried off A daring attempt al murder was made on a Mr Haiubuigcr a diamond merchant in Home chambers at the Ilolbom Viaduct on Tuesday He had a bag containing £1000 worth of diamonds with him and the would be murderer tried to kill him with a revolver Mr Hamburger was riously wounded but tbe man alarmed made off without the diamonds rederick Brinsdale solicitor for the forgery of deeds by which be obtained £XX)dC hns been sentenced to penal ser vitude for life (bituary Victor Emmanuel King of Italy aged 57 General La Marmora aged 7 5 the Marquis of Ailesbury aged 73 General Sir Edwd Cost aged General Montenbcau known as Count Paliteas Commander of the rench Expedition in China aged 2 Bulcrares Greek Minister aged 7 ilaspail aged Mr Wro Cobbett Courbet the rench artist who ordered tlio de struction of the column in the Place Vendome aged 58 Marquis Wilopohke aged 74 Lord Kinnaird aged 70 the Rev Capel Molyneux aged 73 the Rev Canon Mosely Regius Professor of Divinity Ox ford aL A Hayes the artist Jas White mtn Booanquet aged 73 Philippe Hate mfigeur the PanMan banker the Kev Co I Jones aged 64 Lieutenant General Whyte aged 78 and Sir Robt Stanford ARRIVAL THE ENGLISH MAIL DOMESTIC NEWS The Riband of tho Order of tlio Thistle at the disposal of tho Premier by the death Lord Kinnaird ie to be conferred ou Gladstone eldest brother of the ex Premier There hare been frequent aud protracted Cabinet Councils during the mouth Among the Peers present at Lord Beaeont Parliamentary dinner ou the 16th werj the Duke of Sutherland aud the Earl of St German Lord Kinnaird has died sivldeuly from in flammation of the lungs lie will be auccecded by tbe Hou Arthur Kinnaird MP for Perth aud a vacancy will thus be earned iu the repre sentation of that city By the death of the Marquis of Ailcsb iry a vacancy will be created iu the House of mona for Marlborough The heir presumptivo to the marquisate is the late peer's brother Lord Ernest Bruce who has sat uuiutcrruptedly forthat constituency since 1832 LordAilcs bury'a death places a Garter aud the Txird Lieutenaucy of Wilts at the disposal of the Prime Minister It is surmised that unless tho Quceu should aiguify her desire that the Pre mier himself should accept the vacant a result very generally expected tbe Earl of Beaconsfield will confer it on tbe Duke of Buckingham A monition issued by the Bishun of Glou ceeter and Bristol was served upon tbe Rev A Ward the warden of St Raphael? Bristol It requires Mr Ward at once to desist from the use of vestments tho use of lighted candles at the holy commnuiou unless when needed to give light the ceremonial mixing of water with wine aud tho administration of it when so mixed st tbo holy communion the use of ince: sc before Divine service or during the holy crmuutniou so as to be in any way subsidiary thereto and from various other spe cified practices Th? Rev A II Ward defies bis Bishop Ou Sunday the first Sunday sinoe the Bishop's monition was served upou the rev gentleman tbe church services remained un altered Incense lights snd vestments were freely used as before Tbe Rev Douglas Hope of Christ Church Oxonand the Rev White of Pembroke College Oxon both curates of the ic Church of St John the Divine Keuuington have been received iuto tho Roman Catholic Church at tbo Church of the Rodomptionist athers at Clapbsm It is announced by the desire that Convocation will not meet for tho dispatch of business Iwfore the 12th of ebruary Prince Ibrahim son of the Khedive and his attendant Mustapha Pasha have leen elected honorary members of the Reform Club The Duke of Northumberland has been ap pointed Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland Vcr Earl Grw who Las reaigned tliat dignity The Very Rev John Henry Newman DD has been elected an honorary ollow of Trinity College Oxford Dr Newman before his elec tion to a ellowship at Oriel College was Scholar of Trinity The Rev Capel Molyneux for many years one of the most eloquent of London preachers died at Cannes on tlie 27th ult Mr Molyneux resigned his preferment and retired from tho ministry of tbe Church of England on the occa sion of tbe Bennett judgment remaining how ever in the communion of that body Tbe telephone has been exhibited to the Quceu st Osborne by Professor Bell aud Colouel Reynolds aud iu sonic respects tho experiments were the most satisfactory that bave yet been made Tbo works iu connection with the removal of Temple Bar were completed ouNoudsy with the exception of tbo south arch abutting upou Mcmcs Bank and it is intended that this portion of the structure shall remain until tbe Bank buildings are shored up On tbe 10th iu the afternoon a gentleman whose name was Stevens committ I snicide by throwing himself from the Whis pering Gallery of St Paid's Cathedral on to tbe stone pavement below When picked up life was extinct Tbo deceased resided at Peckham and was in a despondent state Nr John Dixon delivered a lecture ou Our Egyptian at Stratford Describing the plan which would be adopted for raising tlie Obelisk when it had been safely towed iuto tbe Thames the lecturer said that having bad its outside trappings removed the ship would be bodily rolled on to a previously erected stage composed of huge beams and by means of hydraulic presees and jacks would bo gradually raised to the height of the parapet of tbr em bankment It would then be rolled ou to another stage prepared on tho other side and thus gradually lowered into the road The valleys btretohiug northward from Car diff to Aberdare and Merthyr Tydvil which a few years ago were the centre of ironworks and coal mines celebrated throughout tbe world aud were filled with a prosperous and thriving Imputation are comparatively silent Thou sands are absolutely on the verge of starvation Thry hare pinched in vain and the local autho rities are paralysed for it is the great bulk of the population which has fallen into a state of pauperism Trade is too bad throughout the country for the men to be tempted to seek em ployment elsewhere and as there is no work aud no prospect of work where they arc it has be come evident that the immediate danger can only be met by assistance from without Con siderable subscriptions have been raised through out the country protably £5000 and more than 2000 children receive a free dinner daily Great distress prevails amongst the working classes at Sheffield and measures are being adopted for their relief At Hanley a few days ngo Dr Kencaly aud bis three sons were summoned for non payment of wages due to Mr Payne aud Mr Ridgway reporters of tbe hh Vcfct Henley Dr Kenealy denied that he wm proprietor and said that hie son Maurice whose name was in the imprint was a mere hoy Ahmed did nut appear The Bench ordered paym ut of the re spective amounts claimed namely £3 1S 6d and £2 8s 6d with costs Tbo two furnaces of the Butow Rolliug Mill Company have been blown out 'J'in have been worked for six years by the Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Conqiany and have produced an average weekly output of from I (00 to 1200 tons of pig iron The desertions from the army during tho year 1877 reached the total of 7500 At a convocation of tho University of Iondou a resolution admitting women to all the Univer sity degrees was passed by a vote of 242 against 132 Her Majesty's troopship Euphrates which was detained by an Admiralty order at Sues bas been directed to proceed on her voyage The Home Secretary has refused to seo a deputation who desired to ask for the release of Arthur Orton Tho persistent attempts of Mr William Cob bett to obtain the release of the Claimant by means of a writ of hah ai have come to an end in a startling manner Mr Cobbett bad a case on the list in the Appeal Court against Mr Justice one of a series be has lately I rought against the and ho was passing along the central hall at West minster when he staggered and fell and a few minutes afterwards a surgeon pronounced him liedead Sentence was pronounced at the Central Criminal Court ou January 17 on red Pims dale Charles Burrell Moore Thomas Irving Tait and James Drake who pleaded guilty on tbe previous day to a charge of obtaining largo sums of money by means of forged leases The learned Judge saw no extenuating circum stances in tbe caee of Dimadale and sentenced him to penal servitude for life Moore he looked upon as to a considerable extent the dupe end tool of Dimadale and he sentenced him to eevea penal servitude The offenee of tbe ether tiro pnsooers Tait end Drake was the learned Judge observed very different from that of tlie other prisoners and it oral likely that they also had been msrely tho tools of IXmadale Tbe sentence upon them was one of imprisonment with bard labor for one year tenders for the South Australian Govern ment four per cent loan for £500000 was opened on January 11 at tbe National Bank of Australasia Tenders amounting to £1137000 1 were received at prices ranging from £95 to £90 8a fid The average price for the £56003 which is allotted is £95 6o 2d per £100 Tenders at £95 Us aud above amounting to £168400 are allotted in full while those at £95 5s 6d receive about one third of the amount applied for Mr KuatchbiilLHugcssen ha obtained leave in theHouseuf Commons to bring ins Bill to legalise colonial marriages At the special general meeting of tbe pro Srictors of the Union Bank of Australia ou anusry 14 the nqort and accounts were adopted the dividend being at the rate of 18 Ier cent per annum and £25000 added to the reserve funds and resolutions were pawed authorising the issue of 10000 new £25 shares at £58 per share A second special gcueral meeting is called for January 30 to confirm tbe resolutions The South Australian Company announce pay ent of a dividend at the rate of 8 fer cent Ir auunm Tbe National Bank of Australasia announces the payment of a dividend for tbe half year at tbe rale of per cent per annum Regarding tbe importations of colonial wool into Great Britain during 1877 Messrs Browne and Engle write: The total increase from all ports in 1877 over 1870 amounts to 56101 bales The shipments direct to tho United States from tbe Austtalasian colonies amounted to 000 bales as against 5600 bales in 1876 and from tho Cape to 10500 bales as against 7U0J bales in 1876 Of the total number im ported from the Cape in 1877 23500 balsa were received merely in transit to the continent as against 20000 bales in 1876 there were also 32500 bales Australasian forwarded direct from ship vis 17000 lles to Yorkshire and 155X) bales to the continent as against 0000 bales and 1200 bales respectively in 1876 Wool remains firm at late rates The next sales have been fixed to open ou ebruary 19 and tbo quantity for the series is to bo restricted to 250000 bales Of this total there is already on band 501 00 bales of old stock Tho limit of tinjo for now arrivals for tbeau sales has boon fixed for ebruary 19 but if tho 200000 bales required to make up the quantity is not to hand on that day then the difference will lo supplied from tbe snips arriving next in succession At a meeting of otton spiuners in Wigsu snd the district on January 14 it was resolved that the wages of all operative in mills should be reduced 5 per cent Tbe reduction will affect about 12 COO hands whose average weekly earnings will amount to £5000 Tbe death of Sir William Sterling Maxwell Bart is announced A meeting of delegates from vestrie and disttict boards was held in Piccadilly at which resolutions were passed protesting against the expenditure of tbe London School Board and declaring that tho Board is burdening the rates with the education of children who if proper means were adopted would bo educated i i voluntary schools Sometime ago a public meeting was held iu Liverpool at which resolutions were passed con demnatory of systematic confession iu tbe Church of England and directing that copies of such resolutions should be communicated to the two archbishops The Archbishop of Canter buiy through his chaplaiu tlie Rev Craufurd Tait has sent a formal acknowledgment of tbo rerc ipt of the resolutions The Archbishop of York writes follows: am per suaded that auy return to this practice in the Church would be on the whole moat unfavorable to ihc spiritual lifo of the people We bavc somewhat forgotten tho terrible evils consequent ou this practice which drove fie Church to repudiate it at tbe Reformation and tbe wih for spiritual direction has no doubt a charm for some minds Hence the revival of the use of tbe confessional in some quarters But I must ray for the great body of the clergy that they have no thought of the vise limits which tbo Church of England hns drawn round this question It will )e my duty to do ail that is iu my power to discourses this practice but it must be borue in mind that it is not a matter of public cognisance like the acts of public worship aud that ou this account it may be much more difficult to deal Lord Kimberley Mr Whitbread The Don Mr Talbot aud Dr Guy are the Commissioners who will hold the enquiry rela tive to Convict Prisons promised by tbe Secre tary of State last session? The b'a ttte announces the institution of a new in connection with our Indian Empire The Imperial Order of the Crown of The Sovereign is to be the of the Order and tbe decoration can only be licstowed on thu Princesses of the English Royal and Imperial tbe wives or other female relatives of Indian Princes aud such other ladies as tlie Sovereign may appoint The Order is therefore intended solely for the gentle sex and it has been already conferred upou a con siderable number of royal' aud ladies The? ntet referring to tbe Home Role Con ference in Dublin on Monday says Mr Butt cannot honorably reassurnc the management of the parliamentary tactics of Home Rule with out receiving some renewal of allegiance fome assurance of submission to discipline from the mutinous members of the party Btit the ob structives neither can nor will give any such autirauce Tbe union within tbe Home Rule party wh'ch is supposed to have been restored by tbe conference must therefore be completely illusory unless the vehement reassertions of conviction on each side in tbo reported debate conceal an actual capitula tion of one section or the other Whenever there is no distinct agreement to refrafo from obstructive tactics Nr Parnell aud Mr Biggar may resort to obstruction to any extent they j'k aso This is tho practical effect of the reso tioii which Mr Butt would not accept some months ago as an adequate ratification of his authority over the mutineers among i fol lowers aud as it conecratcl the right to mutiny his objection was very natural Yet he accepts it now as if it restored bis power aud saved his dignity Replying to a neutrality resolution fxnd Salisbury said I am to inform yon that there is no ground for apprehending that Hur Ma jesty's ioverninent will depart from the which was defined by them in Blay last and to which they have consistently The Earl of left on riday night for Rome to represent Her Majesty at the funeral of tbe late King of Italy The Earl of Kosslyn will represent the uceu at the marriage of tbe King of Spain More than 100 meetings Lave been held dur ing the last fortnight many of them crowded towns meetings in favor of tbe observance of impartial neutrality in the war between Russia and Turkey and against any attempt ou the part of this country to prop up the Otto man Empire Speeches in the same sense bave been delivered Ly Mr Bright Sir Harcourt Sir II James Nr orster Mr TrevvJyn Sir (J Dilke Mr awcett By the death of Sir William Stirling Max well MP a vacancy in the representation of Perth shire is caused and another i added to the listf Scottish conslituencies which will shortly elect new rremlers the other places being Greenock Leith and Perth During the whole of last year there was nnt single election in tho whole of By Sir William' death another Knighthood of the Thistle fa at the riuiier'a THE WAR Tlie Czar and Princj Gortschakoff have now returned to St Potersbnrg where Hi Majesty baa met with a most enthusiastic reception Tho appeal of the I'orto fur tbe mediation of the Powers ha entirely failed Both Germany and Austria declined to the gm Power acting in entire accordance with Rumina view tbo other being unable to discover any solid tori for peace on which the belligerent could agree Our Government at tbe requisition of tbe Porte undertook to present to tbo Russian (to vernment a request that negotiations should be entered upon for an armistice with a view of peace Tbe reply wa that Russia would only con sent to au armistice on condition that tue pre liminaries of peate should first be areaptod and that tbe term eould only bo learnt by ap plication to military headquarter Two envoys have been sent to Keaanlik to have an inter view with the Grand Duke Nichol The severe weather ha not prevented a small Russian force from making ita way over tlie Etropol taking three day to conqner tlie auow aud turning the Turkish defences at Kamarli and appearing ou the plain of Sophia which city waa hastily evacuated by tlie Turk General Gourka found vast store aud not les than 800 wounded Turk and thus secured a base of operation south of the Balkans and waa able to draw hi supplies partly from tbe neighboring country and partly from Servfa Tlie General has since advance! with a large force Suleiman Pasba was last heard of not at Adrianople but near Talar Baxardjik where a great battle is said tu bave been fought on Monday aud to have been resumed on Tuesday with tbe result according to a telegram from Constantinople that Suk imau Pasha took up positions nearer Phil ippopolis and ordered the inhabitants to leave the rom this it may be inferred that the Turkish general has been defeated aud ha fallen back upon that towu being uuablv to reach Adrianople upou which city no doubt other Russian corps pro bably those from Kcxaulik aro advancing with every prospect of beiug there before Suleimau Pasua The Montenegrin have taken Auliwari aeaportof Albania aud aro advancing against Scutari The Servian have captured the fortress of Nib with 12UQU prisoners and some 50 cannon and Lave advanced a part of their force to Sofia Tbe Roumanian are leseigiug Widdin and tlie commander ha consented to capitulate if the garrison ia allowed to march out with thvir arm Thia was refused and the siege continues Greece is still preparing for war and an in surrection ia imminent iu Thessaly aud Epirus There is an outbreak in ('role which the not strong enough to put down There are multitudes of fugitive arriving at Constantinople from Adrianople and Pbilip popolis Houin further explanations are given to day respecting the causes which led to the joint action of England ud Austria as regard the negotiations fur peace It seems that iu spite of tbe assurances of Prince (tortschakoff tbe Grand Duke Nicholas declared it wouM be im passible for him to negotiate an armistice with out the condition of peace being previously laid down and this provoked the declaration of Austria which we published yesterday A St Petersburg telegram however denies that any note bave been received there from either England or Austria to the effect that they would not recognise any treaty of peace made without their assent Vrince Milan has sent a telegram to one of hi legions declaring that no idea of peace will be entertained by him until the town of Prizren baa been taken It is no longer expected according to a tele gram that Suleiman Pasha will arrive in time to defend Adrianople aud preparatioo aro being made fr the evacuation of the placs A Berlin correspondent telegraphs that there art indication observable of serious displeasure felt iu Russian Government circle at the set ming between England and Austria O1HEII OREIGN NEWS ranco stems now to be in tbe enjoy men of a political repose tu which it ba been for a long time a stranger Iu political centre the feeling undoubtedly appears tu be unanimous that rance ought not to mix her self up in the war come what may a feeling which doubtless is very ntuch influenced by tbe aetton of Germany If the one should move the other might follow suit Garubettahas been oua visit to Italy In conversation with Sijuor Cairoli at Rome be dcnquuced clericalism as tlu greatest enemy of rance aud said that had its i artisans triumphed in the late elections iotei vention on behalf of the Cope would have followed Before leaving Home Gambetta bad an interview with King Victor Emmanuel All the rench Minister breakfasted with tbo Marshall on New Day According to the Temps the Marshall remarked to them This fine day gout'emeu is a happy augury for the year just opened I hope it will pavs over calmly and peacefully without renewi tg of the difficulties of that which has just tominatetl' rioco Bfamarck is not expected back at Berlin for some time It is said ho ha been sufl'ering front an illuess which has confined him to hi room The short illness of Victor Emmanuel termi nated fatally last Wednesday January 9 Ap parently his death at tbo comparatively early age of 4b was hastened by unskilful medical treatment Trior to bis decease the King re ceived tho Papal benediction from Pius IX Tbe event baa created excite throughout Italy aud great regret in every part of Europe The funeral of Victor Emmanuel took place yesterday when au immense i eje left the Quirinal at 10 Tin pall was borne by two Ministers and tlie Presidents of tbe and the Chamlter The streets along the route were densely thronged with spectators and all the balconies were draped in black Tho Pantheon was reached soon after 1 o'clock and' tlv funeral service was st once commenced The funeral service at Paris in honor of King Victor Emmanuel at the Madeleine yesiorday wa a most imposing manifestation the member of the Italian culuuy were present The Princes Mathilde and the children of Prince Nni'oleun and the Clothilde were amongthr chief mourner aud (here were deputation from the Senate and the Chamberf Deputies The church wa' densely thronged It is stated tha a service which was to have taken place at the Ita'ian Church iu Hattou Garden to day has been prohibited by Cardinal Nanning On the 24th King Alfonso is to be wedded with great pomp tu liis cousin tbe princess Mercedes the daughter of tbe Due de Mont jH Lsir Tbe SMtuish people are to say the least indifferent on the subject the toother is openly hostile The ex Qneen Isabella by way of revenge ha struck up a sudden friendship with Don Carlos and family and tbe Carlist generals at Tari which lias ex cited much disgust at Madrid and obliged the rench Government to rlcr thn Legitimist Pretender to leave rance The Spanish Marriage" of Louis time have been the cause of untold tribulation to Spain and (f misery to the Eourbun dynasty Idelta herself having been the greatest victim But lu resent conduct however much it may annoy her sxt cantiot "Id to her own happiness The Cortes has approved the marriage by 3J9 to 4 It lias st 1 1 a pension in case of the idowhood ScL'or Castelar did not rote either way The Shalt of Persia will visit the Paris EJiibitii inc 'j Cholera is reported tu have appeared at Jeddah and Mecca Tn April aftrr the Introduction of the rench budget the negotiations for the renewal of the Anglo rench Treaty of Commerce will be resumed It ia understood that the term will le the same a when the business wa broken off by the presidential crisis in Blay last An excursion train ret urniug from one of Moody and prayer meeting at Hart ford in Connecticut fell into river on Monday night nnd 13 person were killed aud 30 injured A silver mine the ore of which i stated to bo unusually rich lias according to the Nor wegian paper been discovered la the Nata bEECTlVE OUGJNAL Valley Tho discoverer will probably rooaivo graat of aboot 400400 crows The great work ot Herr Krapp at Xaoow are stated to be now employing 17050 hand There are 75 engine at work of a combined fora of 4 400 borro power and tho daily coMnnptiMof coal estimated at 600 tows Tbe Italian General de la Marearoa died at lorence on tbo 4th In 1855 be went out to tbe Crimea as Commander in chief of tho Pied montese army which bad been newt thither to eo oprrato with the English and rench amio against tbo Buaaians and in 1866 ho eom manded tbe force in tbe campaign against Austria In tbe election of nrankipel cuuneilloc in rance tbe Republican oehwvod their meet brilliant aueceaa Tho majority of Republican council elected is overwhelming In many council where there was only one Republican before all the councillor ar now Republican Adriee from the Cap to the 36th Daceeabor received via Madeira state that the now from Kaffraria more pacific Krrli'a chief Coun cillor bad surrendered to Colonel Eustace and tbe King 'waa endeavoring to make term with tbe British authorities but General Ettatae demands tho surrender of Kreli er bb son as a condition of peace A telegram to fifeasn Donald Currie Co from Capetown December 26 received via Madeira states that the aspect A the Kaffir db turlance is more pacific Botmaai Chief Coun cillor of Kreli baa surrendered to Colonel Eustace and tbo King was endeavoring to make terms Colonel Eustace demand tho surrender of Kreli and hi son as condition of peace OUR LONDON NEWS LETTER rom our own Correspondent') London January 18 Tbe past four weeks have been prolific of events Our Christmas waa not looked at from a public point of view very cheerful The general stagnation of trade waa aggravated by the mysterious announcement that Parliament was to be summoned three week earlier and the general belief that we were at the top ot that inclined plane which former experience ba told ua lead to war The new year openol with a gloomy outlook some of our greatoat industries especially tbe iron and coal trades aud iu a lea degree the cotton trade being well nigh paralysed and productive of distress far and wide Tbe revenue return also showed thatour national resource still continued to de cline pointing to a deficit at the end of tho financial year Then we heard that Turkey had appealed to tbe Great Power for thoir media tion to put an end to tho war an appeal to which nona of sliem were able to respond and subsequently that at tbe request of th Saltan tbe British Government bad agreed to sound the Cabinet of St Petersburg with tbe view of bringiogtabout negotiation for peace" and that Prince Gortscbakoff bad replied ia polite term that if Turkey want an armiatiee with a view to peace it must besought byap plication to tbe Russian commanders in the field Upon this our anti Kussian journals bejon to sound tho alarm aud proclaimed that England waa being betrayed and must be ready to defend ber right Theo came the report of ominous language on tbe part of Mr Layard at Constantinople which proved to be unfounded aud of a firm resolution cf tho Porto to proas cute tho war to tbe bitter The which had made light of those alarm suddenly changed it tone and on tho 2nd came out with a loader declaring that England was drifting towards intervention and that instant actios was required: every ground the time for silence has passed aud tho Lour for speech aud for decided speech ba The Times called upou the leaders of tbe Opposition to come to the front aud relieve the uucertain'y of the country with resject to their view of our general relation to the course of events' for it was now a serious question whether tbo war party among uv headed by persons of con was to prevail aud thus in volve this country in the moat momentous enterprise it has known for a generation" or two or three days afterwards great appre hensiou prevailed throughout tlie country and there were report of serious dissensions in tho Cabinet ami of the resolution of Lord Beacons field to make a stand against Russia and if Parliament should hesitate to appeal tu the country One or two Conservative members such as Mr Aiderman Cottou and Mr Hubbard came forward to declare that they could not be parties to such a policy At last the Secretary for the colonies interposed to calm tbe public taind On the 5th three day after tbe Times article Lord Carnarvon in receiving a deputation of Caj merchant went out of hi way to utter aoire weighty aud pacific word on the Eastern ('utstion He said that tlio Government badut offered to still less to inter vene" between Russia and Turkey but had cc uvoycd overtures of peace between one belligerent and They bad received iu answer but it conveyed uo affront or insult to England While on tbe one hand he hoped thia country would not lash itself into nervous apprehension of eo called British honor aud ou the other be vindicated fbe right of England as a member of tbe Euro pean family to have a distinct voice in tho tiual decision of the term of peace His lord ship further said that the Government doaired to uphold the honor and self respect of this country but trusted that no one was insane enough to desire a repetition of the Crimean war This weighty and significant speech sent up the funds reassured the commercial world and wa diligently explained away by the Prime Minister' organs which it rebuked Next day Lord Carnarvon went to Osborne aud had an audience of the Queen and on Saturday rumors were rife of Ministerial" ditteusioue aud bi Lordskip' resignation Oa Monday however the Secretary tor tbe Colo nics was present at a Cabinet Council and baa attended many since Even these significant assurances did not however suffice Ever sinew there have been expressions ot public feeling in every town meeting addresses and resolutions from public bodies religious associations and speeches from such eminent public men a Sir Harcourt Mr orster Sir James Mr Bright Mr Chamberlain Mr awcett all pitched in the satue key that this country must preserve an important neutrality and on no considera tion take tip arm to airest tbe downfall of the effete Ttnkifh despotism In the subsequent negotiations our Govcrnmcut conceded tho reasuialikness of an armistice being concluded between tbe bell iget ent atone aud ou their ad vice tbe Porte applied to the St Petersburg Cabinet to know on what term an anuisticv would be conceded nvMiax ri kssrm Meanwhile military affair were coming to a crisis A fortnight ago it seemed a if owing to the advent ot a severe winter there would be a lot pause in tbe terrible conflict which would give the Porte time to recruit her force mult iply its mean of defence and enter upoa a new campaign That expectation ba tanrod cut tu le illusory The Grand Duke Nicholas ha preferred tu brare the perils and suffaring entailed by active operation in severe weather to tbe many evil ami possibilities which a partial suspetaion of hostilities would involve and it wa resolved with tho aid of the fresh reinforcement which were poured aero tho Dauube once more to eroas the Balkan chain and carry the war into ilia Thia projeot waa facilitated by the tectie of tiuiieosao Pasha who divining tho Rumian plan removed the flower of his troupe to Ooustautiuople thereby securing the flank and rear of th in vading force oa tho north and east white tho co oprralioo of Servia gavo tbo Koaoiaa east rial support oa Uro wert Eateryrtaa reooia 218.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.