Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (2024)

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (1)

Flowers don't just make you happy — they can make you healthier, too, says Gwenn Fried, manager of Horticulture Therapy at NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation. "Nature has a huge impact on health and wellness," she says. "We know that people's cortisol levels go down in a calm, green environment." Our list of gorgeous summer flowers will help you create the perfect flower garden on a balcony, backyard or front porch. Expect tall delphiniums, vibrant marigolds and various perennial flowers such as asters, daisies, daylilies. Some blooms on the list, like bacopas and salvias, make great ground cover plants for their ability to fill in shady spots (like in between tree roots). Others are eye-catching additions to pots — take sunflowers and peonies, for example. Whether you're a beginner or an expert gardener, you can enjoy the plant care process by following our gardening guide for tips. What's more, we even include the best ways to keep your summer flowers thriving. We share everything from their preferred level of sunlight to the best soil types (many prefer well-drained).

Before picking summer flowers from our list, check out the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone to see if your choices are suitable for your specific region. While you're at it, you'll also enjoy researching surprising flower meanings (you'll know exactly when to give someone begonias or marigolds). And once you're all done, choose the right flowers for your space, grab your gardening tools and create the green oasis of your dreams!


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (2)


This hardy plant prefers full sun and water on a weekly basis once its mature. You'll find them in a variety of colorful hues, including pink, yellow, red and orange.

Morning Glories

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (3)


Morning glories are climbing vines that like full sun and moist soil that's well drained. Look no further than their bright, bold flowers to boost your garden's visual appeal.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (4)


This striking perennial enjoys full or partial sun, along with well-drained soil. With more than 300 varieties of the flower, some of which can grow up to 6 feet tall, you can choose from pretty shades of blue, purple, white and pink.

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Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (5)


Add a pop of color to your garden with this drought-tolerant flower. You'll find them in pretty shades of purple and white, making them a perfect addition to fresh bouquets. Aim for well-drained soil and full sun with this pick.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (6)


Grow the "dinnerplate" kind and the blooms can measure a whopping 12 inches in diameter. On the flipside, miniature "pom-pom" dahlias look just as cute as they sound.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (7)


This bacopa monnieri plant, also known as brahmi, is incredibly versatile — just take a look at its impressive edible properties and medicinal purposes. You'll find the jewel-like flowers in white, blue and lavender. And if you're hunting for a good container garden option, bacopas are gorgeous picks.

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Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (8)


Here's a fast-growing perennial that prefers full sun or light shade. These blooms are native to North America and come in white, purple, blue or pink shades. Keep your asters happy with loamy, well-drained soil.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (9)


Bougainvilleas are lively tropical vines that add personality to a garden. They love sunny areas and well-drained soil. Grow them in hanging baskets or train them to be bushy additions to your pots.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (10)


These striking lavender and pink flowers, also called snapdragons, are beautiful choices for a sunny garden. Treat them well and watch them grow up to 18 inches tall. Even better, they don't require deadheading to produce their blooms continuously.

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Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (11)


Clematis are popular for filling vertical space in a garden. They thrive with at least six hours of full sun per day, but keep in mind that pruning varies by type.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (12)


These sun-loving plants come in a wide range of colors, from red to purple, and don't require much fertilizer to grow beautifully.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (13)


You may know them as vibrant yellow or orange beauties, but marigolds can also bloom with maroon or even cream flowers. "Best grown in full sun, marigolds are known for outlasting hot summer days and have been long used as garden companion plants," Henriksen says.

RELATED: How to Grow French Marigolds Like a Champ

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Common Zinnias

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (14)


"A traditional plant for pollinator gardens, zinnias are easy to grow and require full sun," Henriksen says. She recommends them for borders and container gardens, and using the cut flowers for indoor decor. They can grow anywhere from 4 inches to 4 feet high and come in almost every color except for blue.

RELATED: How to Grow Bright, Beautiful Zinnias


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (15)


Not all Helianthus are created equal. In summer, try SunBelievable Brown Eyed Girl. "This award-winning, multi-branching, heat tolerant and non-invasive annual produces over 1,000 flowers in a single season, throughout summer until first frost," Karam says. Try it in both borders and containers.

RELATED: The Best Way to Grow Beautiful Sunflowers


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (16)


These puffballs signal the beginning of summer each year. Some bushes can thrive for a half-century or more!

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Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (17)


Leave it to these dainty flowers to add a touch of elegance to your garden. While they can thrive under a bit of shade, they do best with loads of sunlight and well-drained soil.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (18)


If you're looking for a statement flower to add to your garden, consider foxgloves, which can easily reach up to six feet. They bloom early on in the summer and come in a slew of colors, ranging from pink to white.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (19)


A symbol of love and distinction, carnations are known for their bold hues and impressive range of varieties. Certain carnations can grow up to 24 inches, while others range between 9 to 12 inches.

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Hibiscus Flowers

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (20)


You can find these vibrant, trumpet-shaped blooms in a range of color combinations. Known to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, these flowers need tons of water and fertilizer during their blooming phase.


Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (21)


This popular summer flower needs well-drained soil, a moderate amount of moisture and an abundance of sunlight to flourish. Keep in mind that wind can harm certain tall varieties.

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (22)

Lauren Smith McDonough

Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (23)

Mariah Thomas

Assistant Editor

Mariah Thomas (she/her) is an assistant editor for Good Housekeeping, where she covers home and lifestyle content. Mariah has more than four years of editorial experience, having written for TLC, Apartment Therapy, Women's Health and Avocado Magazine. She received her master's degree in journalism at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism and published her first book, Heart and Soul: Poems of Thoughts and Emotions, in 2019. She's also the founder of RTF Community a platform for creatives of color to connect, learn and showcase their work.

Create the Magical Garden of Your Dreams With These Gorgeous Summer Blooms (2024)


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