Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (2024)

Have you ever driven past a field of beautiful sunflowers growing in a row and thought, “I want that in my yard!”?

Think of all of the ways you can use a sunflower. They make beautiful bouquets, and they also produce seeds that make tasty snacks. On top of that, they’re perfect for attracting pollinators.

We can’t forget how many colors they add to your garden, as well.

Here’s everything you need to know to grow your own sunflower patch.

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (1)

Sunflower Varieties

There are many different varieties of sunflowers. I’m going to share the most prominent ones with you, but as you shop for your seeds you may find other varieties that work well for your growing situation, too.

Giant Sungold

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (2)

If you are in the market for a unique sunflower, the giant Sungold fits the bill. It’s known as a double bloomer sunflower.

It doesn’t look like a typical sunflower. Instead, its head is big and puffy like a dandelion. The plant stands six feet tall and the blooms reach eight inches across.

Strawberry Blonde

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (3)

My favorite sunflowers are the multicolored varieties. I think their colors add something extra special to the garden. This variety is a multicolored sunflower that stands six feet tall. The tips are yellow, while the rest of the bloom is a reddish-pink.

Mammoth Russian

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (4)

A lot of people grow sunflowers because of their sheer size. They’re hard not to notice when they get extremely tall and produce big, bold heads of color. This Mammoth Russian will grow to be a whopping 9-12 feet tall.

It also produces large, striped seeds that are easy to identify.

Italian White

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (5)

Do you prefer a lighter colored flower that stands tall but isn’t quite as flashy? If so, then you’ll love the Italian White. It grows four-inch white blooms but has a large dark-colored center.

This flower stands anywhere from 5-7 feet tall, and it produces multiple flowers throughout one growing season.

Little Becka

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (6)

Some people really enjoy sunflowers but fear they don’t have the space to grow them. This variety solves that issue. Little Becka is a dwarf sunflower variety that only grows to be three feet tall

The blooms on this plant aren’t tiny, though. They grow to be six inches in width and are stunning. The colors start out as a golden, then transitions to a crimson red, and then back to gold at the base.

Moulin Rouge

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (7)

If you think red when you think moulin rouge, you’re correct. This is a darker colored sunflower with a dark red bloom that stands out. It’s a shorter variety of sunflower that only reaches four feet.


Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (8)

Do you shy away from sunflowers because of their tendency to fall over? This variety is for you. Soraya sunflowers are known for having large blooms and thick, sturdy stems that support its six-foot stature quite well.

Lemon Queen

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (9)

I mentioned in the opening how sunflowers are great for attracting pollinators. The Lemon Queen variety is known as the number one bee-attracting variety.

Super Snack Mix

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (10)

A lot of people grow sunflowers with the intent of eating the seeds. Super Snack Mix is a smart option for seed lovers since it produces large seeds that are easy to crack open and snack on.

This variety grows to be around six feet tall. It attracts bees and butterflies to your garden as well.


Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (11)

This variety is a Japanese heirloom variety that grows to be between 5-6 feet tall. They produce big heads with large centers that are most commonly used in flower arrangements.

How to Grow Sunflowers

Growing sunflowers requires a little forethought as to where you are going to plant them and some prepping of the soil. After that, you should be on your way to producing gorgeous sunflowers for the summer.

Sun Requirements

Plant sunflowers where they’ll get plenty of direct sunlight – they are called sunflowers, after all. The goal is to have roughly six to eight hours a day of direct sunlight.

Give Them the Right Soil

Make sure that you loosen up the soil two feet down and three feet wide where you are planning on planting. This ensures that the long taproots can spread out.

Mix fertilizer into the soil at least eight inches deep. You can use aged manure, compost, or chemical fertilizer.

Pick the Right Growing Area

Plant the sunflowers where they’ll have wind protection. This could be on the side of a building, or you could do what I do, which is to plant them along a fence line.

Sow the Seeds Outdoors

Directly sow the seeds into the prepped planting location after the last frost is finished. Make sure that the soil temperature is around 55-60°F. This is usually around the end of April or beginning of May in most locations.

Once you’ve got your seeds planted, you’ll want to add fertilizer to help the roots. You want to do all you can to encourage strong roots in your plants because the stronger they are the more difficult it will be for the wind to knock your sunflowers over.


Once the soil is ready, sow the seeds into the ground, ensuring proper spacing. This means that your rows need to be 30 inches apart while the seeds in each row need to be planted six inches apart.

Make sure that you only plant the seeds one inch deep.

Plant in Pots

You can plant the dwarf varieties of sunflowers in pots. Be sure to give them well-drained, loose soil.

Also, be sure to put plenty of fertilizer in the soil to give the seeds what they need to grow.

Protect the Seeds and Seedlings

Watch out for birds and squirrels. They like to snatch your sunflower seeds and make a meal out of them.

If you find they’re a problem, purchase netting to protect your seeds until they’ve germinated and have begun to sprout.

Succession Planting

If you want to encourage continuous growth throughout the summer, wait until after the final frost, and then plant additional sunflower seeds every few weeks.

Be sure to stagger out the plantings. That way, when one planting is ready to stop producing, it’ll be time for the next planting to show its stuff.

Caring for Your Sunflowers

There are only a few main things you will need to do to help your plants have a healthy growing season.

Stake the Taller Varieties

The taller varieties of sunflowers need to be staked in order to avoid the stems from breaking.

Once the plant has reached half its eventual height, put a solid stake at an angle into the ground and tie it to the stem of your sunflower using bailing twine.

You don’t need a fancy stake. Bamboo or tobacco sticks will do the job.

Water Your Plants

Giving your sunflowers the right amount of water is vital. They need a different amount of water depending on their maturity level, but you need to be careful not to overdo it.

When your plants are still young, water at the root of the plant in a three to four-inch circumference. You should water when the soil around the plant is dry. If the soil is still damp, you run the risk of overwatering.

As the plant gets older and begins to hold its own, transition to watering only once per week unless there is an unseasonal amount of moisture or dryness. You’ll need to water more or less often in those cases.

When you water a more mature plant, put three to four gallons of water in the ground around the plant once a week.

Fertilize Sparingly

You did the majority of the fertilizing sunflowers need prior to planting them. Now, your goal is to not over-fertilize them.

If you fertilize your sunflowers one to two times per month, that should be plenty. You’ll need to be careful when doing this that you don’t allow the fertilizer to touch the base of the plant.

To do so, dig a circle around the plant and fill it with fertilizer. Then add water.

If you over-fertilize your plant, you run the risk of weakening the stem and your sunflowers may fall over.

Apply Mulch

By mulching around the base of your sunflowers, not only are you keeping weeds down, but you’re also helping the sunflowers to hold moisture in.

Though sunflowers handle drought well, this helps them to maintain the moisture they need to stay healthy.

But be sure to put a thick layer of mulch around the base of the sunflower. If it isn’t several inches thick, then it won’t do the job you need it to do.

Sunflower Problems and Solutions

Growing sunflowers is generally hassle-free for the most part. They do have a few things that can happen to them, but if you know what you are dealing with upfront, then the problem should be able to be corrected in a timely manner.


Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (12)

Rust looks exactly what it sounds like. You’ll see red and orange rust-like bumps and streaks, or yellow and white spots on the leaves. You’ll also begin to see leaves curl and look misshapen.

Rust usually doesn’t kill a plant, it just decreases the overall health of it.

Once rust develops, it’s difficult to get rid of.Begin by clearing out any debris in between your sunflowers. Remove any area impacted by it, and also make sure that you aren’t getting the leaves wet when watering.

Also, you can treat it with a copper fungicide as well. You can also take preventative measures by dusting your plants with sulfur, putting proper spacing between plants for airflow, and making sure not to get the leaves damp.

Powdery Mildew

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (13)

Powdery mildew is a fungus that makes the leaves of your plant look like they have been sprinkled with powdered sugar. The older leaves will often develop it first.

Powdery mildew can be treated with a fungicide and by removing any parts of the sunflower that have been infected.

Also, you can prevent this disease by not watering the sunflowers from overhead. Powdery mildew forms in humidity. If you can decrease humidity, then you can decrease your chances for this disease.

Leaf Mottle

Leaf mottle is a fungus that forms in the soil. There’s no cure, so rotate your crops in order to get rid of it.

Empty Seeds

Sunflower seeds have an outer casing that includes smaller seeds inside of it. If you open the casing and there is no seed, then you’ll know you have this problem.

Most often this happens when fall comes early. The best way to prevent this from happening is to plant earlier.

Downy Mildew

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (14)

Downy Mildew is a fungus that has a blue tint to it. It forms on the bottom side of the leaves.

You will have to use a fungicide to treat downy mildew, as you do with any other fungus. However, if you don’t like the idea of using a fungicide on your plants, then try mixing one teaspoon of baking soda per one quart of water and spraying it on the impact plant parts.

Birds and Squirrels

Birds and squirrels will try to eat your seeds when they are first planted, as I mentioned above. Your plants will be safe during sprouting, but once they form heads, they are up for grabs again. They need protection.

Cover the newly planted seeds with netting to keep them from being eaten. The mature sunflower heads need to be covered as well.

You can use items you may already have on hand, such as a cheesecloth or pantyhose.


Deer will graze in your yard if they think you have a source of food for them. You’ll need to prevent them from entering your property by using proper fencing.


Moths are not a huge threat when growing sunflowers, though certain moths will try to lay their eggs on the blossoms of your sunflowers. Pick the worms off of your sunflowers when you see them.

Best and Worst Companion Plants

The best companion plants for sunflowers are:

  • Bush beans
  • Squash
  • Cucumbers
  • Corn
  • Lettuce
  • Any plant infested by aphids

Bush beans are a great companion plant because they produce their own nitrogen which means that they and sunflowers won’t be competing for nutrients in the soil.

Also, sunflowers are great to use as natural trellises to support cucumbers and corn. Sunflowers also provide necessary shade that cucumbers and lettuce desire.

Finally, any plant that can become easily infected with aphids is a great candidate to plant around sunflowers because sunflowers are known for being hearty and having thick stalks. This is hard on aphids and discourages them from coming around.

The worst companion plant for sunflowers is potatoes. When you plant sunflowers and potatoes near one another they will work against each other and cause stunted growth.

How to Harvest and Store Sunflowers

Harvesting and storing your sunflowers and seeds is a simple process. You can do multiple things with sunflowers, and we are going to cover them all:

Harvest for Bouquet

If you’re growing sunflowers in hopes of having beautiful fresh-cut bouquets for little money, then you’ll need to know the proper way to harvest them.

Begin by scoping your sunflower out. You’ll need to keep an eye out as to when it appears that a flower head could potentially bloom.

Then, you’ll want to cut the main stem that is holding the head before the flower has bloomed. This will encourage additional side blooms.

Cut your flowers in the morning to discourage them from wilting. Make sure that you put the sunflowers in tall vases in order to give them support.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you give them fresh water daily. This can help them last a week or more.

Harvest Sunflower Seeds: Option One

Wait until your sunflower has finished blooming to harvest the sunflower seeds. The base of the head will start to turn yellow and eventually will turn brown.

That’s when it’s time to act. You’ll see the sunflower heads begin to hang down like they’re sad. When this happens, you need to put cheesecloth over the flower head to keep the birds away.

Then, cut the head off four inches below where it starts. Once the flower head has been cut off, you’ll either use your fingers or a fork to dislodge the seeds.

Harvesting Sunflower Seeds: Option Two

Instead of waiting for the sunflower heads to be hanging over before as described above, cut them off when the base turns brown.

Then, hang them upside down in a location where they are free from pests (i.e. indoors) until the flower heads dry.

You’ll know that the seeds are ready for harvest when they are plump and either completely black or black and white striped (depending on the type of sunflower you planted.)

Preserving Sunflower Seeds

After harvesting, you’ll need to store or use the seeds. If you want to eat them, they’re good for consumption immediately.

However, if you’d like to store them for later use, whether it be to eat or plant, you’ll need to dry them. You can then store them in an airtight container for two to three months and keep them in a cool, dark location.

Also, you can throw the seeds in a freezer bag and leave them in your freezer for up to one year, as well.

Sunflowers are the Ultimate Multi-Use Plant

What do you plan on growing sunflowers for? Are you looking for a pretty addition to the garden? Do you want a healthy snack? Or do you want to attract pollinators? Maybe all three?

Let us know in the comments!

Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (15)

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Growing Sunflowers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest (2024)


What are the best conditions for growing sunflowers? ›

Sunflowers are sun worshipers that grow best in spots that get six to eight hours of direct sun per day. They have long tap roots that need to go several feet into the ground, so sunflower plants prefer loose, well-drained, somewhat alkaline soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5.

What is wrong with my sunflower plant? ›

Rust, verticillium wilt, and powdery mildew can also affect sunflower plants on occasion. However, the most common threat to these plants is Sclerotinia stem rot, also known as white mold. This fungus can cause sudden wilting of leaves, stem cankers, and root or head rot.

What not to plant with sunflowers? ›

The two plants that are the most impacted–meaning their growth is completely stunted if sunflowers are growing nearby–are potatoes and green beans.

How deep of soil do sunflowers need? ›

They have long tap roots that need to stretch out; in preparing a bed, dig down or till 2 feet in depth and about 3 feet across. They're not too fussy when it comes to soil pH, either. Sunflowers thrive in slightly acidic to somewhat alkaline soil (pH 6.0 to 7.5).

What is the best month to plant sunflowers? ›

Late May is the perfect time to sow your sunflowers directly in your garden soil in many parts of the U.S. You can also begin germinating your sunflower seeds indoors in May. Early June is arguably the best time for sowing sunflower seeds directly into the soil.

Do sunflowers need lots of water? ›

Sunflower care only requires a few basic growing tips. Although sunflowers require a lot of water to germinate, they only require an inch of water per week during the growing season. Use a watering nozzle to easily water once a week until the top 6 inches of soil is moist.

What do overwatered sunflowers look like? ›

Unless brand new leaves are turning yellow or all the leaves change color at once, it's likely just your plant shedding old leaves. Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Common Sunflower, since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping.

What is the most common disease in sunflowers? ›

Sclerotinia mid-stem rot.

What does an unhealthy sunflower look like? ›

A sunflower will signal that it is dying with stunted growth followed with dropped leaves, the leaves and stem turning yellow, brown, or black, and the petals on the flower head shriveling up.

Do sunflowers like coffee grounds? ›

One 2016 research study found that using spent coffee grounds in growing broccoli, leek, radish, viola, and sunflower resulted in poorer growth in all soil types, with or without additional fertilizer. 5 The good news is that the coffee grounds improved the water holding capacity of the soil and decreased weed growth.

What happens if you plant sunflowers too close together? ›

If you plant closer, you might get taller stalks but smaller heads. If you plant farther apart, the seed head may be larger, but possibly too heavy for the stalk to bear. If you have limited space, Tom recommends sowing in a small clump that will eventually be thinned to one plant.

Can you plant other flowers near sunflowers? ›

Best Plants To Grow With Sunflowers

Plants like shasta daisy and tickseed have similar-looking flowers, creating a coordinated look. Alternatively, mix things up by planting snapdragons, weigela, and arborvitae for a layered and textured appearance that works well while still allowing each plant to stand out.

Is Miracle-Gro good for sunflowers? ›

How to Feed Sunflowers. While sunflowers are not big feeders, you will get more and better blooms if you make sure they get a steady stream of nutrition. A month after planting, begin feeding sunflowers with Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food. Make sure to follow the directions on the package.

Do sunflowers need tilled soil? ›

Plant Your Sunflowers At The Right Depth

Sunflowers are sensitive to neighboring plants – even more sensitive than corn. Sunflower plants need to emerge at exactly the same time as neighboring plants for top yield potential. This is why consistent sunflower seed depth is an important no till technique.

Can you leave sunflower roots in the ground? ›

To reduce the effect of sunflower toxicity, cut back, chop up and compost the plants, including their roots, in the fall (yes, the sunflower's toxic parts decompose readily in compost bins) and rain and natural decomposition will eliminate most of the toxins left in the soil before spring.

Where is the best place for sunflowers to grow? ›

For best results, grow them in rich, fertile soil in a sheltered, sunny spot. Sunflowers grow well in pots but if you're growing for height, it's best to grow them in the ground.

What helps sunflowers grow faster? ›

Growing sunflowers in rows or clumps is another way to help support stalks and prevent breakage. Watering: If you're able to water your sunflowers, note that they prefer more water than other flowers when they are young to help them grow fast and strong.

Do sunflowers come back every year? ›

The only way the annual sunflower can “come back” is by dropping seeds at the end of its life cycle. Perennial sunflowers, on the other hand, will last for more than one year. They won't die back completely and will return the following year from the same plant rather than seeds it dropped the previous year.

How do you keep sunflowers blooming all summer? ›

Keep them deadheaded until the end of the season. If you deadhead your sunflowers, they will keep pumping out new blossoms in their will to create seeds and more sunflowers. Don't cut the stalk way back, the next sunflower often forms just inches from the place you deadheaded.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.